Getting to the guest house in Albi

Access by car

From Toulouse : 50 minutes
Direction ALBI by A68, exit N°14 Albi University

 From Bordeaux : 3h00
Direction Toulouse by A62 then take the A68 at Toulouse, direction Albi. Take exit n°14 in Albi.

 From Carcassonne : 1h40
Take the D118 in the direction of Castres / Mazamet. At Mazamet, continue in the direction of Castres on the N112 and then in the direction of Albi on the D1012 and then the D612. Arriving in Albi, take the ring road towards Toulouse and exit at the first exit n°14, Albi Université.

 From Montpellier : 2h45
Join the A75 via the N109 towards Millau. Continue on the A750 and join the Méridienne (A75). Take the exit n°47 Millau center then follow the direction Albi. Take exit n°14 at Albi Université

 From Lyon : 5h00
Direction Clermont-Ferrand by the A89 then direction Montpellier by the A75. Take the exit Rodez / Sévérac-le-Château direction Albi / Rodez by N88. Continue to Albi and take the exit n°14 Albi Université.

Access by train

We are 5 minutes from the Albi train station,

From Toulouse 0h56 by TER, from 5€ to 14,40€.

From Rodez in 1h15 by TER, from 10€ to 15,60€.

Access by plane

The nearest airport is Toulouse-Blagnac, 50 minutes from Albi.